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No. Year 1 B.C.E. was immediately followed by year 1 C.E.
When the Julian calendar converted to Gregorian, leap years were skipped on years ending with 00 except for those that are divisible by 400. Generally, this site will produce a Julian calendar before 1752 and a Gregorian Calendar after that. Our Day of Week Calculator will show the day of week for a given date for multiple calendars systems simultaneously - and list the countries that used each system at the given date.
The millennium began January 1st, 2001. Because there was no Year Zero, the first millennium was from January 1st, 1 (C.E.) through December 31, 1000 (C.E.). So the second millennium started January 1st, 1001, etc.
No, that is not true. Leap years are skipped in years that are evenly divisible by 100, except for those that are divisible by 400. Since 2000 is evenly divisible by 400, the leap year is not skipped.
No, obviously this did not happen. Due to an error on the show "Hollywood Squares" in the mid-1970's many people were caused to believe that there would be a February 30 in the year 2000, but it was a mistake.
Yes! By popular demand, we have created a utility that will tell you what years have the same day-of-week/date relationship for a year that you indicate from 1800-2100. This utility is located here.
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