Worst Case Scenario Survival 2024 Desk Calendar

By Chronicle Books
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Item # 202400006145

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An action packed, day to day guide to surviving a year's worth of peril?from the bestselling authors of The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook series. Danger! It lurks at every corner?sharks, grid collapse, a sinking car, a malfunctioning parachute. This crucial, illustrated daily calendar from the authors of the internationally bestselling Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook series is packed with step by step guidance and essential knowledge for extreme and everyday scenarios. Because you just never know. 5 1/8 x 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches 314 tear away pages ENTERTAINING AND AUTHORITATIVE: All advice and instruction are based on expert guidance collected by the authors and delivered in immediate and accessible Worst Case Scenario style. KEEPING MILLIONS SAFE SINCE 1999: The Worst Case Scenario series has kept readers safe and ready for more than 20 years, with more than 10 million copies sold. All advice is freshly vetted by survival experts. PLASTIC FREE MATERIALS: 100% plastic free packaging and product. GREAT GIFT AND REFERENCE GUIDE: For those who like to be prepared for whatever might happen. Perfect for anyone feeling a little anxious and in search of expert survival advice on extreme to everyday scenarios.
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Item: 202400006145
An action packed, day to day guide to surviving a year's worth of peril?from the bestselling authors of The Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook series. Danger! It lurks at every corner?sharks, grid collapse, a sinking car, a malfunctioning parachute. This crucial, illustrated daily calendar from the authors of the internationally bestselling Worst Case Scenario Survival Handbook series is packed with step by step guidance and essential knowledge for extreme and everyday scenarios. Because you just never know. 5 1/8 x 4 1/2 x 1 1/2 inches 314 tear away pages ENTERTAINING AND AUTHORITATIVE: All advice and instruction are based on expert guidance collected by the authors and delivered in immediate and accessible Worst Case Scenario style. KEEPING MILLIONS SAFE SINCE 1999: The Worst Case Scenario series has kept readers safe and ready for more than 20 years, with more than 10 million copies sold. All advice is freshly vetted by survival experts. PLASTIC FREE MATERIALS: 100% plastic free packaging and product. GREAT GIFT AND REFERENCE GUIDE: For those who like to be prepared for whatever might happen. Perfect for anyone feeling a little anxious and in search of expert survival advice on extreme to everyday scenarios.
  • ID: 202400006145
  • Edition ID:
  • By: Chronicle Books
  • Format: Desk
  • Size Closed: 6 x 5
  • Size Open: 6 x 5
  • Time Span: 365 Day
  • UPC: 9781797221786